Construction and Engineering Pre-Action Protocol – Please Don’t Go

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Construction and Engineering Pre-Action Protocol – Please Don’t Go

Glovers was one of fifteen “Track 1” contributor law firms to a recent pilot survey undertaken by acuigen on behalf of TeCSA, which survey evaluated the perceived value of the Construction and Engineering Pre-Acton Protocol from amongst a sample of solicitors’ firms and construction industry organisations.  95% of respondents felt the Construction Protocol to be a valuable pre-action mechanism.  Other key findings of the survey were that:-

• 87% of respondents felt the Construction Protocol created access to justice

• Only 2% of respondents felt that the Construction Protocol should be abolished

• 74% of respondents wanted recourse to TCC judges at the  pre-action stage

The survey was undertaken in the context of news that pre-action protocols might be abandoned or heavily modified by the Civil Procedure Rule Committee.  The survey confirms overwhelming support from participating solicitors and the construction industry for retention of the Construction Protocol.

For further information please contact Philip Eyre on